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Asset Obsolescence Management

Nothing lasts forever, as we know.

And that of course includes the critical components underpinning the assets at the heart of your business.

You may already know from bitter experience how frustrating, time-consuming and costly sourcing replacement parts can be — especially when they’re no longer in production.

In fact, just the time lost trying to find the right spares can edge your key assets even further towards obsolescence as they become less and less profitable to run.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

With Critica Group’s unique asset obsolescence management service, you’re no longer at the mercy of your next weak link but able to plan ahead with confidence.

We bring together our decades of experience across multiple contexts in renewables, oil and gas, and liquid and gas power generation to solve the problems caused by failing assets and often obsolete components in ways you’d possibly never considered.

Our skilled team never takes a single linear approach to asset obsolescence management — we always look at the challenge from every angle and find the creative solutions that not only work best but work within your budget and timeline.

And by getting to know your assets inside out first and planning well ahead, we can be ready to step in and procure exactly the right components for you well before failure leads to costly downtime. These can include quality upgrades and engineered replacements, all of them a fraction of the price of a full OEM asset alternative solution.

Worn turbine with rust

Our Process & Expertise

Our decades of asset management and procurement experience — especially in oil and gas, renewables, and liquid and gas power generation — means we know where to source all the quality critical components, big and small, for key assets.

Once we have identified what you need, we then bring in our procurement team whose extensive global experience means they know exactly where to go to find what you need and how to get it to you as quickly as possible.

Many of our clients first came to us via our one-stop 24/7 emergency response service when they were peering over the precipice after a key component had failed.

But you could avoid the drama by finding out today how Critica’s Asset Obsolescence Management service could make running ageing assets so much less of a lottery.

We offer our service across all industries and sectors, with particular focus on managing asset obsolescence in these…

Onshore oil and gas installations Offshore oil and gas installations Power stations Gas compressor stations Pumping stations Marine Nuclear  Manufacturing

The critical components we regularly procure to help keep assets running include…

Pumps Motors Valves Flanges Gearboxes Filters Switches Fasteners Electrical controls Electrical panels Engine spares Bearings Seals O-ring seals Gaskets Bolts Stud bolts

Call us today on +44(0)7714493375 and let’s see how Critica Group’s asset obsolescence management team can help you plan ahead so you’re never left picking up the pieces again.

Engineer inspecting equipment

Case Studies

We knew our 20-year-old plant had obsolescence issues, so we engaged Critica Group to complete a full review. Once that was complete, we were able to integrate the recommended upgrade-based solution, and now have a further 10 years of alternative, available materials to support and ensure optimum reliability and availability. This also saved us the many millions that would have been involved in investing in new equipment.
— Maintenance supervisor, oil and gas operator

The OEM could only offer us a complete alternative to replace our entire asset, at a cost of multiple millions — something we did not relish. So we got Critica Group to carry out a review, and by using state-of-the art upgrades and engineered direct replacements, we now have a facility that we know will be supported to keep going for many years. And we have achieved all this without the environmental, budgetary, and time impacts commissioning a new product would have entailed.
— Lead production engineer, general services operator