Our Emergency Response team are always on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

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Get in touch

Your business doesn’t just work 9-5, and nor do we.

We have the expertise, experience, ingenuity, and resources to keep your business operating at it’s optimum capacity.

With established processes, innovative solutions, and  24/7 support, we are perfectly placed to assist your short-term and long-term resource requirements.

Case Studies

We knew our 20-year-old plant had obsolescence issues, so we engaged Critica Group to complete a full review. Once that was complete, we were able to integrate the recommended upgrade-based solution, and now have a further 10 years of alternative, available materials to support and ensure optimum reliability and availability. This also saved us the many millions that would have been involved in investing in new equipment.
— Maintenance supervisor, oil and gas operator

The OEM could only offer us a complete alternative to replace our entire asset, at a cost of multiple millions — something we did not relish. So we got Critica Group to carry out a review, and by using state-of-the art upgrades and engineered direct replacements, we now have a facility that we know will be supported to keep going for many years. And we have achieved all this without the environmental, budgetary, and time impacts commissioning a new product would have entailed.
— Lead production engineer, general services operator